Quarantine: Fried Chicken and Cocktails.

This is no ordinary fried chicken…it’s all about the breading. The recipe is here and it’s not really deep fried. This version was made with almond flour crackers so it’s also gluten free.

Sides included roasted Brussel sprouts and a fried yellow squash medley…a variation on a classic Southern dish. Fried squash you ask….yes and if you’ve never had yellow squash that way you must give them a try. Basic recipe is to slice the squash in cross sections, add onions and salt and pepper to taste and fry them in a skillet. They will cook down quite a bit so start with more than you think you could possibly eat.

But I skipped ahead to the main dish. What about the cocktails…frozen pomegranate margaritas…simply a great drink on a hot day.  Recipe here.

Finished up with another slice of apple pie from The North Bend Bakery.